Suggestion for Unfolding Wires

The wires are shipped unbent.  The following is suggestions for how I place them into the FISHING position.
The rigs come in 1 of 3 possible ways.  All wires the same length, 1 wire longer than the others or Model 5P.

A: Same Length – Follow any wire up to the base of the nose piece.  Place thumb at base of nose piece and bend a wire out as far as you like.  Then locate the wire NEXT to that wire and bend it out.  Keep going around till all are out.  Then adjust as needed.

B: 1 Wire Longer – Locate a wire NEXT to the Longer wire.  Follow it up to the base of the nose piece.  Place thumb at base of nose piece and bend wire out as far as you like.  Then locate the wire next to the wire you bent out and repeat until you reach the long wire.  Adjust as needed.

C: 5P  We have combined Model 5 and Model 5T into 1 Model 5P.  Pull wires out same as 1 wire longer above.  The 2 shorter arms will swim on top and the fish will be directed to the 3 longer arms.

Note:  If you bend wires that are NOT next to the wire you just pulled out then they may be crossed over and more likely to break off.